Radix DM provides a range of flexible document functions all from within Radix DM Search.

My Recent Documents
One click shows users every document they have saved in the last 7 days across all Library Groups.
Email documents as attachments
Attachments are named with the Document Title and Doc ID providing traceability of documents email out of your organisation.
Email links to documents for internal use
No more confusion with staff editing documents attached to email instead of the of the real document itself.
Convert to PDF
Convert documents of almost any format to PDF with two clicks.
Email as PDF
Convert documents of almost any format to PDF and attach them to a new email ready to send.
Create New Version
Increment the version of a version controlled document or view all prior versions of a version controlled document.
Zip and Export documents
Combine all the documents from a search in single zip file which can be copied to a DVD or USB drive. Create an index of exported documents by exporting Search results meta data itself to Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel or many other formats.
Check-in and Check-out Documents
Checking out a document make the document read-only in Radix DM ensuring no changes are inadvertently made while a user is working on the document away from the office.
Complete Audit History
All actions performed on each document are recorded in a detailed log including when documents are exported or emailed as attachments. Each log entry records the user and the computer used to perform the action.